Monday, July 18, 2005

The incredible shrinking bag

From this

to this

in 6 aggrivating runs through the machine and another 30 min trying to shrink it more in the sink.

I like it, not love it though. I still see a lot of stitch definition, which I was hoping wouldn't happen since I was using better yarn (peace fleece). I've seen felted crochet projects that lost all stitch definition, don't know what the trick is.

On a happier fiber note, I got some yummy roving in the mail today from this ebay seller

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can try hand felting it to get rid of more stitch definition. some yarns just take longer to full than others. Noro Kureyon always takes me a long time. I haven't tried Peace Fleece yet (but now that I have 3lb of it I might soon)...

Holly has a blog! :) (how did I miss that)