Friday, August 12, 2005

Friday fun

Nice postman! Good Postman!

He brought me this lovelyness from High Prairie Fibers
Lovely stuff, super nice lady too. The purples are from her "days end" collection and the fabulous reds are from her Wooly-Mo collection. I need to free up some bobbins so I can play asap.

The nice postman also brought me these yesterday (though I don't think he understood what precious cargo he was carrying)

from The Lizard Lunch
There's 200 or so of the little buggers, about 5 days old.
They will eventually get to this size

Hey Julie, you asked for more worm pictures!!! I'm doing a little experiment to see what they like to cocoon in better. I have two racks made of those click together craft sticks (yes, I"m 6, ok?!?) one upright and one laying down, a section of egg carton, and some TP tubes.
So far there's 1 worm cocooning in each rack & the egg carton. No one has chosent the TP tubes.
Coincidence???? I think not.

Tomorrow is spinning group, that's always fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the delay in replying, life is whooshing past really fast these days!
I still say "bleh" to see them but they are so interesting!!! How are the doing now in the 'condo'?