Friday, July 29, 2005

A little quiz

If you were a person in need of a tradesman, say and electrician for example. And if you
happened to live on the same street as said tradesman, to the point where you could recognize the house because of the clearly marked van in the driveway.

Would you:

A. Jot down the phone number that is written in lettering two feet high on the van on one of your many trips past the house, then call that number when you got home.

B. If driving to fast to jot down the number, take note of the company name that is on all three sides of said van, and check the phone book when you got home.

C. Wait until the van is *not* in the driveway, then ring the doorbell and proceed to ask the tradesman’s wife about complicated electrical needs.

Apparently, the most logical answer is C. I can’t believe how many people just drop on by. They always look so bemused too….almost every single conversation starts with ”I always see a van here when I drive by….” while they gesture to the empty space in the driveway. As if perhaps the missing van had been beamed into space by aliens. Dude, it’s 3:30 on a weekday, maybe the guy is…um…what’s that word?? Oh right, working.

Now, I’m all for promoting my husband’s business, and I appreciate local folk trying to support their neighbor, but c’mon. In this day and age, I’m really not fond of opening my door to strangers. I intentionally let the wacko dogs bounce and bark behind me as I stick my head out the door, which leads the stranger at my door to looking very offended. I usually do end up having to step outside, because it is difficult to carry on a conversation in such a manor.

So folks, let your fingers do the walking and use that cell phone we all love so much.

Monday, July 18, 2005

The incredible shrinking bag

From this

to this

in 6 aggrivating runs through the machine and another 30 min trying to shrink it more in the sink.

I like it, not love it though. I still see a lot of stitch definition, which I was hoping wouldn't happen since I was using better yarn (peace fleece). I've seen felted crochet projects that lost all stitch definition, don't know what the trick is.

On a happier fiber note, I got some yummy roving in the mail today from this ebay seller

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Eternal Optimism

There is a little ritual that plays itself out every morning in our home.

After he finishes his own breakfast, the boy feeds the dogs. As he slings the kibble into their bowls, he cries out “Ok Maggie…Ok Boomer…EAAAATTTTTT!!!!”

And every morning, Boomer races into the kitchen with the same ever hopeful thought. Feather duster tail held high, you can almost see the words running through his mind.

Maybe today is the day that the boring kibble is replaced with something worthy of the Wild Wolf of the Tundra that he thinks he is. Such as a side of Elk. Or at the very least, a gristly hunk of roast from the supermarket. As he looks down on the hard, round chunks, his tail unrolls. The disappointment is as visible as the anticipation was.

Still, he takes a bite just to be sure.

You never know, maybe it’s Elk flavored kibble

Spin stuff

Ok, for my first fiber post, let's see if this shows up.
Yay, it does. This is a shawl I've started with some handspun "mystery" roving I bought at MDSW.
I like how the colors are swirling around. The mystery is what exactly is in the fiber. There is definitely some mohair, some silk noil and some merino. It's scrumptious.


I'm here Lissa, what now?????