Friday, August 26, 2005

We're off

For a long weekend to Bloomsburg, PA.
Hubby gets to stay home with the beasties of the non-child sort. Poor guy. Whatever will he do with himself alone for 4 days :::snort:::

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Blog neglect

I have been bad, haven't I??? I think of things to write, but I always want pictures to go with it and that is the part that sticks me up.

So no pictures this time.

The silkworms are doing their silkworm thing. Chompers is getting fat and happy off of them. They have turned out to be so much easier to keep than I had thought. All the websites I have read warn of dire consequences if you don't keep them in a totally sterile environment, wear rubber gloves, only touch them with tweezers. Not the case so far. I do take a little care to have clean hands and such, but they aren't as fragile as you'd be lead to believe. So that's nice. I do spend way too much time watching them though. The big news (on the bug front at least...) is that some of the cocoons have started hatching!! If you thought the worms were cute, the moths are even cuter!! Really! They are so furry and they have this Groucho Marx eyebrow antenna things going on. I will try to get pictures of that soon. Big sausage fest though...about 9 guys to only 3 girls. The moths have been successful doing the things moths are supposed to do and I have several hundred itty bitty eggs. If I can get those to actually hatch, I will have officially completed the silkworm lifecycle. Well...I guess *I* haven't, but I have witnessed it, how's that??

Fiber stuff. Finished another baby blanket, didn't like it though. It was a ripple that I had tension issues with for some reason (not usually a problem for me) It pulled in towards the middle. I put a border on it to try to hide it, didn't like the border. I won't be giving it to the person I intended it for, but I think it's good enough for a charity blanket. Not to say that charity items should be 2nd rate, just that there honestly isn't anything wrong with it construction-wise, I'm being too picky about the aesthetics to use it as a gift. Does that make me evil???

I finished spinning the yummy blue/green stuff I originally planned to ply it, but decided once again that I liked it as a single. This is definitely shawl stuff. Now I can get started on some of the new roving down below. Actually I have some other fiber I should finish, but I don't wanna. The first 3 skeins are majorly overspun singles. Yes, I set the twist & blocked it. Tried re-wetting and hanging with a weight to see if that would help. It did not. Decided to plow ahead and try crocheting with it anyway, it's so sproingy that it's giving me fits. I've even been trying to dangle the WIP to let the yarn untwist a little. Obviously that isn't going well. So I'm not very motivated to spin up the last 6 oz or so, which is silly. Beautiful color too, I'm mad at myself for messing it up.

Alrighty, I think that will do it for now.

Oh, one other thing. I love reading the comments I've been getting. I'm not sure what etiquette is about commenting about the comments.... so I'm not ignoring you guys, just not sure what the deal is....

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Verrrry Interesting.....

More Emotional

You have:
The graph on the right represents your place in Intuition 2-Space. As you can see, you scored above average on emotional intuition and about average on scientific intuition.Keep
in mind that very few people score high on both! In effect, you can
compare your two intuition scores with each other to learn what kind of
intuition you're best at. Your emotional intuition is stronger than
your scientific intuition.

Your Emotional Intuition
score is a measure of how well you understand people, especially their
unspoken needs and sympathies. A high score score usually indicates
social grace and persuasiveness. A low score usually means you're good
at Quake.

Your Scientific Intuition
score tells you how in tune you are with the world around you; how well
you understand your physical and intellectual environment. People with
high scores here are apt to succeed in business and, of course, the

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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Link: The 2-Variable Intuition Test written by jason_bateman on OkCupid Free Online Dating

Please don't take this as a sign to tag me with all sorts of quizes and such, I'm really bad about filling them out.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Friday fun

Nice postman! Good Postman!

He brought me this lovelyness from High Prairie Fibers
Lovely stuff, super nice lady too. The purples are from her "days end" collection and the fabulous reds are from her Wooly-Mo collection. I need to free up some bobbins so I can play asap.

The nice postman also brought me these yesterday (though I don't think he understood what precious cargo he was carrying)

from The Lizard Lunch
There's 200 or so of the little buggers, about 5 days old.
They will eventually get to this size

Hey Julie, you asked for more worm pictures!!! I'm doing a little experiment to see what they like to cocoon in better. I have two racks made of those click together craft sticks (yes, I"m 6, ok?!?) one upright and one laying down, a section of egg carton, and some TP tubes.
So far there's 1 worm cocooning in each rack & the egg carton. No one has chosent the TP tubes.
Coincidence???? I think not.

Tomorrow is spinning group, that's always fun.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Got Silk?

I've truly gone too far. I have found a way to combine my beasties with my fiber addiction. No no no, I'm not talking about spinning dog hair (though that day will come soon.....) I'm talking about raising silk worms. The link here is silkworms are an excellent food for lizards. Mr. Chompers, the Bearded Dragon, luuuvvvvvvs these chubby delicacies. So last week I got a delivery of 100 silkworms that he has been cheerfully chowing down on. I moved a few of the largest ones to a separate container to see if they would do their thing. Do their thing they are!

To let you know what you are looking at, the worms are in a plastic drawer with TP tubes for them to set up shop in. Look to the bottom left corner, there is a fully spun cocoon. Four others are in the first stages of their cocoons in the tubes, one is spinning between tubes (gotta be a rebel everywhere....) One guy is still chowing down, hasn't succumbed to peer pressure.
They are surprisingly cute for a bug. They don't try to escape, they aren't noisy. Their little faces are unexpectedly endearing and they actually feel very soft and silky. I know...I'm going to be kicked out of the mom club pretty soon....

In about 7-10 days they should emerge from their cocoons, have a little nooky, lay eggs and keel over. What a way to go, huh?? Then it starts all over when the eggs hatch. I will be letting them come out of their cocoons. Reeled silk comes from cocoons unwound with the pupae still inside, I don't have the heart for that. I don't expect I'll raise enough to start a silk business, but I'm hoping to get enough to card with wool and get a nice blend.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

All's fair

At the county fair!
I won 2nd place for my Butterfly Wing Shawl

My spinning group did a demo in the show tent for an hour. We had lots of people stop and chat. It was fun.