Monday, October 10, 2005

Big changes a'comin

Fiber stuff has been shoved aside for a little bit, but for a good reason!

This is Hank. Hank is five years old and is currently living in an orphanage in China.
He has Albinism. We have started the lonnnngggg paperwork process to adopt him. If things go well, we should be able to bring him home in the late spring or early summer.
Right now we are in a tizzy getting gobs of forms filled out and getting the house up to snuff for our first homestudy visit by the social worker (tomorrow, eeeeekkkkk!)
Once we get past that, there will be plenty of hurry up and wait time for crochet & spinning. And the 12ish hour long plane ride to China to pick him up....


Deneen said...

Oh Holly, he's beautiful, I just want to squeeze his cheeks. I wish you and your family the warmest of wishes!

BTW, my brother goes to China yearly (his wife is from there). It's always an 18 hour flight. Usually from Philly (or Newark) to Detroit (with a couple hour layover) and then on to Beijing. It's exhausting and they are often jet-lagged for days given the 12 hour time difference. Just be prepared for an exhausting trip back with a 5 year old. I have refused to take the trip because there is no way I could handle the flight, let alone Elena.

We have discussed China adoption............

ThreeOliveMartini said...

you know i am not a kid kind of person .. but admire what you are doing..

and he looks like a little sweetie pie.. best of luck to you Holly!

Anonymous said...

Oh Holly, what a cutie!! Keep us posted and buckets of good luck. :o)

Anonymous said...

he is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

I know this post isn't new but I thought I'd stop by your blog. Good luck in the adoption process!! There are many people in the bay area that have adopted children from China so I know it can be done but like you said, it's quite a process. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, he is beautiful. Congrats and good luck!

Zoanna said...

God bless you as you wait patiently (or not so patiently) to adopt this precious boy. On the very day that we were going to sign our application to START a China adoption, I found out I was pregnant (after 5 years of 'trying" and 2 miscarriages). Our dear son was born on Valentine's Day 2005. I still want to give him a baby sister from China, though!

Zoanna said...

Check that: Valentines Day 2002. My baby is almost 4!

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